Nov 20, 2012

Special Meeting November 5, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
P.O. Box 217
Gardiner, Oregon 97441

Special Meeting November 5, 2012 10:00 A.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Jackie Degman with Board members Mike Quartararo, Charlotte Hinshaw, Marc Fullhart, & Dixie Hash present. Steve Bell, the district’s part-time operator and the guest of honor Commissioner Doug Robertson also attended.  Many patrons were in attendance, see attached sign-in sheet.

The purpose the meeting was to inform other members of the Douglas County Commission about the options facing Gardiner Sanitary District (GSD) regarding the IP lagoon vs. Reedsport sewer connections.  The GSD has been trying to convince the County to sponsor us in this endeavor.  The County wants to sponsor our project to Reedsport but has reservations about the IP option.  This meeting was another step toward informing the County about the costs of both options, and the hope that we can assure the County that the IP option is the better of the two available to GSD and the community at large.

Steve presented background and current information about the Reedsport line.  He pointed out the urgency of action needed.

Matt Wadlington of Civil West Engineers presented a power point presentation of the costs of both options   He used the latest figures available with the IP option being less costly to the patrons of Gardiner.  Many comments from the Board and Members of the community were offered.  Commissioner Robertson was very open and asked many questions.  He suggested arranging a meeting with attorneys and others needed to discuss possible solutions concerning details the County has with; i.e. the IP Contract details, Phase I issues, etc,

After thanking Commissioner Robertson for his time and attention, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson, Jackie Degman

Respectfully Submitted by,
Dixie Hash, Board Member

Board Meeting October 18, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 18, 2012

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Mike Quartararo, Charlotte Hinshaw, Dixie Hash and Marc Fullhart.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport, Roger Hermansen, Dennis Conger, Jessica Lloyd-Rogers and Jerry Schneider.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Marc motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Charlotte, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Mike  motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Dixie, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     New Business:    
         Jackie introduced Roger Hermansen who was the diver for the sewer line repair so that he could give a report on what he’d done and not have to stay for the whole meeting.  Roger gave us a brief history of his diving background: he started commercial diving in 1989 so has many years of experience, and he said he’s never seen a pipe in as bad shape as the district’s is.  There is definitely potential for a catastrophic failure because it is so weak.  He is preparing a written report on his repair work and he also brought a dvd with a video documentary of the work. 

      Old Business:

         Ray conducted a smoke test on the 6th of October with the help of Steve Bell.  The Gardiner Fire Dept personnel also participated.  Ray has a written report of the problems that they found and the addresses that are involved.  Mike read a letter that he has prepared that he would like to have sent to the homeowners’ whose properties were shown to have issues. 

          Ray reported that there was a huge increase in flows immediately after the last rains, something that shouldn’t have happened quite that quickly, and suggested that they get some new manhole covers that are designed to direct ground water away from entering the sewer system through the manhole covers.  Marc made a motion to have Ray order 3 such covers, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 
          Charlotte presented the proposed ordinance update that she and Dixie prepared.  They proposed to adopt the $15.00 per month per EDU rate increase that the engineer has suggested, $10.00 to be effective as of Jan. 1, 2013 and the other $5.00 per month per EDU increase beginning July 1, 2013.  This increase would bring the EDU rate to $75.00 per month in Jan and then $80.00 per month in July. Dixie stated that she would much prefer to continue the special property tax rate which is due to expire at the end of this fiscal year, and possibly even increase that rate, rather than increase the monthly user fees, but she doesn’t see any way around at least some increase in user fees due to the huge increase in charges that Reedsport has levied against them.  Even though she doesn’t understand how they calculated the figure that they have billed us, we must, for the time being, operate under the assumption that it will need to be paid.  Charlotte outlined the notification procedure that must be met in order to update an ordinance, so the 1st reading of the proposed new ordinance will be read at the Nov 15th regular board meeting, with the second reading at the December 20th  board meeting.
          Dixie made a motion to make the new EDU increase effective 1/1/13, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

          Charlotte reported that there is no update on the heater grant as of this date.
     New Business: 
          Ray reported on the main sewer line break that occurred last week, reiterating what Roger had to say, and added that per the agreement to use the vacated water line as the backup sewer line, we are required to flush the line after any usage, so he is in the process of finding a tanker truck that will be able to handle the volume.
          Safety Meeting: 
          Ray has scheduled an OSHA consultation.
          Dixie reported that she had received an email from Becky Bryant stating that they had sent the new study back for clarification on the scope of work and are still waiting for completion of that.  Norb Wondra received a call from Susan Morgan requesting a copy of IP’s Phase 1 study, stating that the county needs more information to investigate possible insurance coverage.
          Ray reported that all 4 pumps have been reconditioned now and are in good position to make it through the winter.
          Ray also presented a proposal to have Steve take over the meter reading 7 days a week in order to keep him employed as he has proven to be a lot of help to him and a dependable employee.  However, he would still like to have the new contract he proposed for himself approved at the same rate that was discussed prior to this even though his duties would be reduced. 
          Mike questioned what Steve’s rate of pay was for meter reading vs. emergency callouts and Ray explained that he was getting $10.00 per hour regardless of the work or time.  Mike made a motion to raise the rate for Steve for callouts to $15.00 per hour, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Dixie made a motion to have Steve read meters 7 days per week, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Marc made a motion to accept Ray’s proposed new contract to start November 1, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
          Dixie referred to an email that she had received from Garrett Pallo in which he stated that the Reedsport Sewer Plant was out of compliance with the DEQ and asked Ray if he knew anything about it.  Ray explained that the Reedsport plant had been receiving an excess of RV dumping since Winchester Bay restricted their dump station to a fixed number per day, causing an overload of RV chemical that they had not anticipated.  They are in the process of working to correct the situation.

Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public:  
           Dennis Conger suggested that the board should consider setting up a meeting with the new Reedsport city manager as soon as possible to conduct contract talks and also to request support for the IP plant proposal to the county commissioners.  Jackie and Dixie volunteered to get together with Dennis and review the details of the contract proposal and to try to set up a meeting with Mr. Wright and Vera Koch.  All agreed that time was of the essence especially since the district had just received a letter from Vera threatening small claims litigation for non-payment of the monthly billed amount. 
          Dennis also contributed $25.00 to the District to go towards the purchase of a new printer since the old one is starting to fail.

Suggestions for Next Meeting:

-       First reading of the new ordinance
-       Update from the engineer re:meeting with commissioners
-       Update on the meeting with City of Reedsport

          Mike made a motion to adjourn, Marc seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)

Oct 19, 2012

Letter from Douglas Co. Health Dept.

Board Meeting September 20, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
September 20, 2012

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Jackie Degman, Charlotte Hinshaw, Mike Quartararo, Marc Fullhart and Dixie Hash.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport and Dennis Conger.
     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Charlotte made a motion to accept the minutes, Mike seconded the motion and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Mike made a motion to accept the report and pay all bills as stated except the Reedsport contract payment and to pay the same amount to Reedsport as last month, seconded by Charlotte, and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.  

Old Business:
     Dennis clarified the Reedsport contract adjustment that he had calculated at the request of several of the board members.

     Employment update:  Ray wants to put off the adjustment to his contract until he has completed the pump replacement project because he feels that it the work is worth the additional salary.
      Ray also presented the attached summary of the work that has been performed over the last month and the flow reports for the system.  He suggested that they should continue with the updating and maintenance of the existing pumps so that all are brought up to their full capacity to enter the winter season working as well as possible.  Dixie made a motion to fix the cracked impellar, if possible, and to order one new one in order to have all four pumps with new impellars, Marc seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

      Dixie reported that there has been no new information or updates on the MAP study to date.

      Ray states that he is ready to move forward on the smoke testing and Mike suggests doing it on Saturday the 6th of October.  Mary is directed to make a sign to post at the Post Office and insert a notice in the statements that are to be sent out on October 1st  in order to inform the GSD patrons of the test and what to expect from it.

New Business:

     Daily Logs – No new business to discuss, Ray already presented the information with his managers report.

     Safety Meeting – Ray reports that trash has been removed from the pump station on Bolin Island and that Steve is learning about confined space entry.  There are no safety concerns at this time.

     Dixie reported that there is no update on the ordinances or rates yet as she and Charlotte have not had an opportunity to get together to review them yet.

Items Not on the Agenda:

      Dennis reminded the board that they will need to have a supplemental budget meeting when the Reedsport Contract is approved.

      Ray presented the board with a letter received from Curtis Petersdorf in response to the letter that was sent to him.  Mr. Petersdorf does not agree with the decision to begin charging him a user fee for his vacant property.  After some discussion, the board determined that they cannot make an exception for him since there are several property owners that are being charged a user fee for vacant properties.  Mary was directed to assess the user fee for the property starting with the Sept 1 billing but not to assess a finance charge for this month since the bill was not sent until late in the month.     
Suggested Agenda Items for Next Meeting:
-       Safety Meeting
-       Pump Replacement
-       Employment update
-       Logbooks
-       MAP study
-       Smoke Testing
-       Meeting with Nate McClintock
-       Ordinance Update & Rate Increase

    Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Charlotte seconded, motion passed by unanimous voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.

               Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)

Oct 7, 2012

Smoke Test October 6th, 2012

The smoke test machine was placed over the sewer access points to charge the system with smoke and identify any health and safety repairs needed.

As shown, the smoke machine generates a tremendous amount of smoke. This is a harmless, mineral-based smoke. 

As shown, there was enough smoke under pressure, to identify any part of the system that will need repairs. 

The smoke seen coming out of the ground here, is a clear sign the pipe has failed. 

Sep 6, 2012

Board Meeting August 16, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 16, 2012

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Jackie Degman, Charlotte Hinshaw, Mike Quartararo, and Dixie Hash.  Also present were Mary Chambers and Ray Davenport.
     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Jackie asked that descriptive verbage be added to the executive session notation, not just the ORS number.  Dixie made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, Mike seconded the motion and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie made a motion to accept the report and pay all bills as stated except the Reedsport contract payment, seconded by Mike, and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.   Dixie presented a recalculation of the Reedsport contract amount of $6618.00 per month.  Mike made a motion to pay the recalculated amount until such time as further review and negotiations can be made, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Old Business:

     Employment update:  Two applicants were interviewed, the first has a lot of experience and all of the interviewers were impressed with his work ethic, but he does not possess the needed certification and he lives about 20 minutes away.  The second didn’t have much mechanical experience, had mostly been doing maintenance type work in homes and commercial businesses, but seemed to be eager to learn and work.
         Ray Davenport then presented a proposal to have himself fill the position with a similar contract to what he currently has with the district but with additional duties and an increased salary.
         After some discussion and negotiations to clarify exactly what he is offering in his contract, Dixie made a motion to offer Stephen Bell a part time position to read the meters 3 days a week for 2 hours a day at $10.00 per hour and to table the proposal from Ray until the next meeting.  Mike seconded, and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Charlotte made a motion to have Ray write a letter to each applicant explaining what they had decided, Mike seconded and that motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

         Dixie reported on the meeting that she had with Nate McClintock regarding the IP contract.  She presented him with a list of adjustments that the county appears to be needing in order to get on board with the IP project.  She also gave him contact numbers for Norb Wondra, Becky Bryant, Garrett Pallo and Paul Meyers.  Mr. McClintock will contact each of the interested parties and get more input from them and then re-draft the contract.  Dixie also sent a copy of the draft MAP study to Joanne Verger and she expressed appreciation and interest in getting involved in the proposed project.

         Ray presented an update on the pump replacement work that he has been doing.  The new pump is in at the Bolin Island pump station and the pump that was pulled has been reconditioned.  Dixie made a motion to have Ray put the reconditioned pump into the firehall pump station and then have the pump that is pulled there reconditioned and use it to replace the 2nd pump at Bolin Island.  Once that is done, have the last pump that is pulled reconditioned and set aside as a spare.  Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

         Dixie stated that she has no update on the MAP study, we are still waiting for it to be finalized and to hear from the county when the meeting to discuss it will take place.

           Ray reported that he is not quite ready to proceed with the smoke testing, he did test the machine and it is in good working order, but he needs to get the O.K. from his board to use it in Gardiner.

          Mike made a motion to have Ray write a letter to Curtis Petersdorf regarding the uninhabited property that he owns that was somehow overlooked when setting up the current billings, but that we will begin charging the regular monthly rate for it, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

New Business:

     Daily Logs – No new business to discuss.

     Safety Meeting – No new business or concerns to discuss.

     The DEQ loan payment that was scheduled to begin payments in August has been put on hold for an additional 6 months until February 2013.

Items Not on the Agenda:

              Dixie brought up the need to discuss raising the monthly user rates.  Ray stated that the OAWU will do a rate study pretty cheaply.  Dixie said that she knows someone who will do a rate study for free but she thought that they needed to have a decision on the project plans before they would do it.  Jackie suggested contacting them and asking whether it would be possible to have the study done immediately because of the huge rate increase that Reedsport is requesting.  Dixie and Charlotte will get together and re-examine the Ordinances and Rate Schedule and do some research to compare to Winchester Bay’s ordinances and rates so that they can have a better discussion at the next meeting.
Suggested Agenda Items for Next Meeting:
-       Safety Meeting
-       Pump Replacement
-       Employment update
-       Logbooks
-       MAP study
-       Smoke Testing
-       Grant for Heaters
-       Ordinance Update & Rate Increase

 Mike suggested putting the district’s blog address on the monthly statements.  

    Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Charlotte seconded, motion passed by unanimous voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.

               Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)