Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
July 20, 2011
Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members Dixie Hash, Marc Fullhart and Charlotte Hinshaw. Also present were Mary Chambers, Mark Ciechanowski, Ray Davenport, Susanna Nordhoff, Mike Quartararo, Mack Holman, Dennis Conger, Kathy Quartararo, Kathy Something and Esther Something.
Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Charlotte motioned to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Dixie Hash, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Jackie Degman, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Old Business: Ray Davenport reported that he had met with the county and requested that they initiate an easement for the existing sewer line before putting up property for sale and also requested a permit for excavation for the line needed for the new tanks that will be part of the DEQ required contingency plan. He also found out from the DEQ that they will require an engineer to state that the proposed site will allow gravity feed to occur based on slope calculations. Ray also met with Scott Lewis for an excavation evaluation for the site. If it turns out that gravity feed will not work they may need to put in a pump instead. Ray requested the easement agreement from American Bridge but was told that the issue had been referred to their legal department and that a survey would need to be conducted. Marc stated that the district had already paid for a survey and that American Bridge already has it.
Charlotte reported that she had received 3 estimates for a new heat pump and the two highest bidders, $13,000.00 and $18,000.00 respectively, had declined the job. The third bid was for $8,638.00 from Adco and they said that the firehouse bay doors would need to be insulated for the heat pump to work correctly; it would also be required prior to applying for the grant. CLPUD may give us a rebate after installation that would also help reduce the cost to the district.
Dixie met with Susanna and together they called Becky Bryant and was pleased to report that some progress has been made on the engineering study request, the application for the study had been approved by the county so there will be a formal request for bids submitted. She also added that due to the delay caused by this third study the district would need to apply for an extension on the pre-design plan and she has asked Garret Pollo to write the letter to DEQ to request an extension beyond the 9/10/11 expiration date.
Jackie introduced Susanna Nordhoff, the new operations manager; Susanna gave the group some background information on her past work history and experience as well as her education.
Marc reported that he had placed us on the waiting list for a work crew to perform the brush clearing at the Bolin Island pump station, but that they couldn’t give him an estimate on when they would be available. Susanna offered that the BLM has weed pullers available for borrowing and she would be glad to bring them down with her if that would help.
New Business: Jackie reported that since Bob Brown had declined the election to the board, they needed to appoint a new board member and since Mike Quartararo had expressed an interest in writing to become involved she asked for any other public input. Esther questioned whether there needed to be more public notice of the opening and Dixie responded that the declination had been announced at the last board meeting. When asked if she would be interested in the position Esther declined . Dixie made a motion to appoint Mike to the board Position #4 and Charlotte seconded. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Kathy Quartararo made a presentation of a possible web site that would be free to the district and made the site available to the board members so that they could view it and provide any input for changes if they had any.
Jackie opened up the meeting for elections of officers:
Dixie Hash nominated Jackie for President, Marc seconded; Dixie nominated Charlotte for Vice-President and Marc seconded; Mike nominated Dixie for Sec/Treas and Marc seconded. All nominations were passed by unanimous voice vote.
Safety Meeting: Susanna reported basic first aid kits were being put in each pump station. She discussed the need for confined entry training and Ray stated that Winchester Bay may have a class update and they would invite her. Susanna also explained the issue with the chlorine drip that Reedsport had requested and the difficulties involved in that approach and requested that the board allow her to look into using dry sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate powder instead. Marc made a motion to have the matter looked into and if the cost would be under $200.00 she could have authorization to purchase what was needed, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Mary presented the option to postpone the upcoming DEQ loan payments and after some discussion, Marc made a motion to request postponement, Dixie seconded the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Susanna made a report on an ongoing spam problem on the districts email account and recommended a change to Charter Comm. for email service. Dixie made a motion to change, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Susanna also requested shelves for the pump stations and organizational supplies for the office and the board stated that there was money authorized in the budget for office supplies. Susanna will be taking the certification test in early August so the board stated that the district will pay for the cost of the test as they have historically done.
Jackie purchased a sympathy card for the McBartlett family and requested that anyone interested please sign it and she would send it out.
Charlotte reported that a Dan McCurtain had dropped into the office recently and made a presentation of his business in Roseburg, he gives classes and repairs pumps and would be available if we had any need.
The board will schedule a special meeting before the next regular monthly meeting to review the Contingency Plan when Ray completes it since it is due 8/15.
The board adjourned to executive session OR#192.660(2)(i) to discuss extending the contract with Ray for coverage outside of business hours.
The board reopened regular meeting, Mike made a motion to extend Ray’s contract for 3 months, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Marc made motion to adjourn, Charlotte seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
Safety Meeting: First Aid kits were reviewed and Mark and Ray said they would check to make sure that a kit had been provided in each of the pump stations and will report back.
Dixie Hash, motioned to adjourn, seconded by Charlotte Henshaw, meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Interim Office Manager)