Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 18, 2011
Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members Dixie Hash, Mike Quartararo and Charlotte Hinshaw. Also present were Mary Chambers, Mark Ciechanowski, Ray Davenport, Susanna Nordhoff, Bob Brown, Mary Law, and Deborah Yates.
Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Dixie motioned to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Old Business: Charlotte received more quotes for replacement of the heat pump but all were higher than the previous bids. Mike suggested checking into alternative heat sources since the only area they really need to heat is the meeting room and kitchen. He said he has great luck with ceiling mounted heaters he uses in his shops that are larger areas than what we need to heat, so Charlotte will look into the cost of those.
Susanna reported on the scope of work that the county intends to submit for bids to get an independent evaluation of the sanitary districts options. She re-wrote some of the descriptions and directions and has submitted that to Becky at the county for review and is awaiting a response.
Jackie got a bid for the cleanup work around the Bolin Island pump station of $4,500.00 and since that was much higher than anyone would like to have to pay is checking with ODOT to see if they might be interested in taking on the project. Mike suggested a contractor that he has used in the past that he thought would be much more reasonable and he would be willing to contact him for a bid to cut and/or mulch the bushes and small trees. Dixie made a motion to authorize Mike to accept a maximum amount of $1,500.00 bid to expedite the process, and Charlotte seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Jackie said that if he is able to contract that part of the job she would take care of getting the necessary spray and have someone spray the weeds and get us on a regular spraying schedule to keep the growth down once the initial cleanup is done.
Susanna reported that she had completed the e-mail address change and had informed all contacts of the new address. Also, she had ordered the sodium nitrate, we’ve received it and she has been using it instead of the bleach with no problems and it’s much easier to use.
Mike reported that the website has been completed to the point of usability and he would like the O.K. to allow it to start running for the public. Charlotte made a motion to go live with the blog and Dixie seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
New Business:
Safety Meeting: Susanna reported that she needs earplugs and dust masks for the pump stations. Mike suggested that she make a list of items that she needs and he will be glad to pick them up in Eugene as he is sure he’ll be able to get them cheaper over there. Charlotte made a motion to allow $100.00 for safety equipment, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Managers Report: Susanna reiterated the report on the scope of work. She has written a letter to the DEQ requesting a deadline extension for the plans and specs. An alarm was sounded a couple of weeks ago and everyone was called out, Ray felt that something was stuck in the pump and after turning it on and off a few times it cleared itself. Susanna borrowed a long handled tool from Reedsport and broke up the grease caked in the bottom of the wet well then called in Roto-Rooter to pump the grease out. There was some discussion about the problem of grease buildup and the possible causes but it is an ongoing maintenance issue in all treatment facilities. The easement with American Bridge is pending verification of insurance coverage plus they are requesting an independent survey of the area. Ray suggested contacting SDAO for clarification of insurance coverage and the board feels it is unnecessary to have a new survey done since one was done not long ago. Susanna will look into when exactly that was done and by whom and relay thay information to American Bridge. Susanna has not yet made application for the wastewater certification but plans to take the test in September.
Report on DEQ backup plan: Ray reported on the progress he’s made in preparing the backup plan, he has started the easement process with the county and has received a permit from the county to use the site which needs to be signed by the board. We need to make sure our insurance coverage is adequate. He has scheduled a meeting with the DEQ to evaluate the site on Sept 6th. Winchester Bay Sanitary District has some surplus pumps that they will make available to Gardiner Sanitary District to purchase for use in the backup plan or wherever needed, the one that would be most useful to us would be $300.00. Dixie made a motion to purchase the pump for $300.00 and Mike seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Ray requested and additional $600.00 net pay for the additional work he has put in on the backup plan. Dixie made a motion to pay Ray the additional amount and Mike seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public: The agenda notice to the newspaper was discussed and Susanna said that she would provide a draft agenda to the newspaper on the timeline that they have requested.
Charlotte made a motion to have Ray sign the DEQ backup plan and submit it tomorrow, August 19th, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Dixie made a motion to allow Jackie to sign the Douglas County Permit if it is determined that our insurance coverage is adequate, but if we need to add coverage we’ll need to call a special meeting, Charlotte seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.
Susanna requested that she be reimbursed for mileage that she uses on the job at the standard mileage rate. Mike made a motion to authorize mileage reimbursement for employees of the district, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Dixie Hash, motioned to adjourn, seconded by Charlotte Henshaw, meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Interim Office Manager)