Jul 27, 2012

Board Meeting June 21, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
June 21, 2012

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Jackie Degman, Charlotte Hinshaw, Mike Quartararo, Marc Fullhart and Dixie Hash.  Also present were Jonathon Wright, Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport, Mack Holman, Bob Brown and Jessica Lloyd-Rogers.

      Jonathon Wright, an administrative planner for the Douglas County Planning Department, gave a short presentation to open the meeting on the impact of Non-point source pollution on our rivers and estuaries as it relates to storm-water runoff and infrastructures.
     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read,  Dixie made a motion to accept the minutes, Mike seconded the motion and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Charlotte made a motion to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Mike, and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Old Business:

     Dixie and Jackie met with Scott Somers to present some options for the new sewer usage contract with the City of Reedsport which were all rejected.  Dixie consulted with the district’s attorney for input on any possible options, and was informed that there were basically no options, and that we should consider a rate increase to cover the projected Reedsport Contract increase.

         Dixie made a motion to have a town hall meeting to discuss said increase on July 19 at 6:00pm and to put a notice in the next billing, Mike seconded, and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

         Ray made a presentation on the employment search – only one application has been received so far and the job opening closes on July 5th.  He suggested to the board that they should consider increasing the compensation package to attract more applicants.

         Ray also re-presented his proposed contract extension and requested that it be signed now.  Dixie made a motion to accept Ray’s contract extension, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

         Ray noticed a possible check valve problem at the Bolin Island pump station when he had to respond to an emergency call a couple of nights ago.  Mike made a motion to have Ray inspect the valves closer and repair if necessary, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
New Business:

     Daily Logs – The only event to be reported has already been addressed earlier by Ray concerning the emergency callout.  There was no emergency, the valves were not operating correctly, thereby causing the false alarm.

     Safety Meeting – No new business to report.

     Dixie made a motion to approve the Budget Resolution #12-1 summarizing the 2012-2013 budget that was adopted by the budget committee at the May 24th budget hearing, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Dixie noted, however, that an amended budget would be very likely because of the Reedsport Contract increase and a possible rate increase to cover it.

     Dixie made a motion to approve Resolution #2012-2 to transfer $16000.00 from Operating Contingency to Personnel Expense on the 2011-2012 Budget.  Mike seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Suggested Agenda Items for Next Meeting:
-       Safety Meeting
-       Reedsport contract
-       Employment update
-       Logbooks

 Meeting went into executive session pursuant to ORS.192.660(2)(h).   

    Meeting came out of executive session and Mike made a motion to have Dixie contact an arbitrator in Curry County and also the engineers to discuss the Reedsport contract, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 
     Charlotte made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dixie seconded, motion passed by unanimous voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.

               Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)