Mar 1, 2013

Board Meeting January 17, 2013

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
January 17, 2013

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Mike Quartararo, Dixie Hash and Charlotte Hinshaw.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport, and Dennis Conger.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Mike motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Charlotte, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

      Old Business:

         Dennis was contacted by Jonathon Wright to request a continuance to this week to respond to the information that the district had presented to him regarding adjustments to the contract with the City of Reedsport. Dennis agreed, but let him know that we would expect a response by the end of January at the latest, he has not heard back from him as of the meeting time.
          Jackie asked for a motion to accept Ordinance #03-2012 establishing a new EDU rate of $75.00 per month, which would reflect in the monthly customer billings as an increase of $10.00 (from $45.00/month to $55.00/month).  Dixie made a motion to adopt Ordinance #03-2012, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

          Charlotte reported that the grant request for new heaters for the firehall was not sent in on the correct date so we will not be receiving any grant monies this fiscal year.  The board thanked Charlotte for all of her work on trying to get the grant money and requested that she try again this coming summer when new grant money would be available.

          Dixie has still not heard back from Becky Bryant regarding the progress of the MAP report; she sent information to the IFA and hasn’t heard anything back from them either.

          Mike asked if we had received any input from district patrons that were identified as having potential plumbing issues during the smoke testing and Ray reported that all of the property owners that had been sent letters regarding leaks that needed to be repaired had either finished or were in the process of working to repair the problems.  Some additional patrons were since identified as having a potential problem and he is in the process of preparing letters to them.

      New Business: 

           Ray reported that the Reedsport-side meter is still recording 32% higher flow readings than the Bolin Island meter.  He suggested having the Bolin Island meter calibrated and the Reedsport meter investigated at the same time to save both Gardiner and Reedsport travel expense for the repair man.  He also asked the board to allow him to start repairing the leaks and breaks that he has found in numerous areas within the districts boundaries a little at a time.  The systems’ age is going to start causing more and more problems for the district and it’s patrons and if we start working on the maintenance that has been deferred for so long, hopefully we can avert any major repairs down the road.

          Dixie asked Ray to instruct Steve on how to investigate the past two years’ flow meter readings so that they can find out if there is a specific time when the huge differences between the two meters began.  Ray agreed to get Steve started on that project.

          Ray reported that he contacted Mr. Sambrano at American Bridge and felt that they had a productive discussion regarding the easement problem that we’ve been trying to get resolved with them and came away from the meeting hopeful that some progress may be made in the near future.

          Mike made a motion to have Ray implement the plan he has laid out for the board regarding the following 4 suggestions: 1)have a technician calibrate the Bolin Island meter, 2)call on Reedsport to jet rod/clean the GSD sewer mains from manhole C-2 to C-5 to remove heavy amounts of grit in order to be televised properly, 3)order 6 additional manhole inflow dishes, 4)purchase grout to complete repair of previously plugged pipe at IP property,  Dixie seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

          Charlotte and Dixie have not had an opportunity to properly review the Winchester Bay ordinances that Ray brought for their analysis, so they will try to get to that soon.

       Safety Meeting: 

          Ray reported that there are no safety issues that he is aware of and is still waiting to have the OSHA consultation scheduled.

      Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public:  

          The Douglas County Clerk’s office sent a letter listing the board positions that would be up for re-election this May that needs to be reviewed for any inaccuracies and sent back with a signature.  Jackie reviewed, updated and signed the letter and instructed Mary to send it back by the January 25th due date.

Suggestions for Next Meeting:

-       New Resolutions proposed by Ray
-       Tax rate on the ballot for May
-       Update on the contract with City of Reedsport
-       Possibility of need for supplemental budget

          Meeting went into executive session pursuant to ORS.192.660(2)(h) to discuss consultation with counsel concerning contract negotiations and special district dissolution procedures.  

         Meeting came out of executive session and Mike made a motion to adjourn, Charlotte seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)