May 28, 2012

Budget Committee Meeting May 24, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District 
Budget Meeting 
May 24, 2012

    Meeting called to order by Dennis Conger, present were Board Members Jackie Degman, Charlotte Hinshaw, Mike Quartararo, Marc Fullhart, and Dixie Hash. Budget Committee Members present were Dennis Conger (Budget Committee Chairman), Kathy Quartararo (Budget Committee Secretary), Mary Chambers, George Degman, and (arriving 18 minutes late) Ray Davenport.

    Written copies of the proposed budget were circulated. 

    Minutes from the May 3, 2012 Budget Meeting were read. Dennis motioned to accept the minutes with changes, Jackie seconded. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. 

    Dixie mentioned that the Budget Committee minutes are posted on the blog and are also available from the Gardiner Sanitary District office. A form will be available for requests for minutes. Kathy asked if the local library has a computer available to the public who may want to review the minutes. Dixie said there was. 

    Dennis then requested a discussion about the Reserved Fund and Resources numbers of the proposed budget. Dennis asked if anyone had any new information other than what was in the preliminary budget.  Jackie said she wanted to discuss the monies paid to Reedsport. The group agreed the numbers represented in the proposed budget are close to expectations. 

    Dennis then asked if it was possible to see what Reedsport has proposed in their budget. Dixie said that in the preliminary bill, Reedsport has a Debt Service item that shouldn't be on this bill. It should be located under Operation and Maintenance. 

    Dennis explained Reedsport is, in fact, billing for everything, which is evident when you add up all charges on the preliminary bill. He said the whole total is what matters. Reedsport handled it by putting the totals together, rather than itemizing. After the discussion, George motioned  to push back the 120,000 for operating expenses and change it to 37,000. Kathy seconds, the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

    George then suggested we make the change to the Operating Contingency section of the proposed budget. Dennis motioned to except changes and moved to change 84,000 to line 15.  Kathy seconded and the motion passed with unanimous voice vote. 

    At that point, George motioned to close the budget meeting.  Kathy seconded, and the motion passed with unanimous voice vote.

    Dennis then stated we have approved a very realistic budget.  

    Submitted by Kathy Quartararo (Budget Committee Secretary)

Budget Committee Meeting May 3, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
Budget Meeting
May 3, 2012

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members Jackie Degman, Charlotte Hinshaw, Dixie Hash, and Mike Quartararo.  Budget committee members present were Mary Chambers, Dennis Conger (budget committee chairman), Kathy Quartararo (budget committee secretary), George Degman, George R. (Ray) Potter, and Ken Wood.

     Written copies of the proposed budget, and profit and loss report were passed out. Dixie nominated Dennis as budget committee chairman, seconded by Charlotte, and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. Dixie nominated Kathy as budget committee sectary, George D. seconded, the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Dennis called the meeting to order, and asked for clarification of the P & L report. Mary explained that the numbers used to estimate the budget were to take the current P & L numbers, and the amounts still due and use that total to estimate next years budget numbers. 

     Dennis asked for clarification on the revenue column. Mary explained there is probably not much to discuss unless there is any unexpected income she is not aware of. Dixie explained there is still time to amend the budget as needed going forward. 

      Dixie and Mike explained that costs of sewer use and connection fees have gone up each year, Jackie said the fees have doubled in the last 5 years. Dennis wants to account for the changes on the next budget. Dixie explained the engineering study needs to come before the final budget for the best accuracy. 

     Reading from the proposed budget, Mary stated the estimate was for 56,000 in taxes from the county. There were no questions, so the group moved on to page 2 of the proposed budget. 

     Payroll was discussed, George D asked if this was an estimate. Mary said, payroll costs should be lower going forward because the contract with Ray Davenport is ending. 

     Audit fees were estimated a bit high. Mary explained we have a contract with our accountant, and she expects the cost to be a bit lower because it has been taking a little less time. 

     George D asked who our Attorney was. Dixie said we use Nate McClintock from Coos Bay. George D thought the budgeted attorney fees seemed low. Dixie and Dennis both agreed the attorney fee section of the budget should be raised. George emphasized this is an area that shouldn't fall short. It was agreed by to group to adjust that number up.

     Next, Mary noted the printer in the office has been acting up, and will need to be replaced in this budget cycle. 

     George D asked for clarification on the Election Expenses entry, and suggested the number should stay as it is. 

     Mike Q asked if the insurance numbers are realistic. Jackie said the pumps were added to the insurance this year, and because this is a special district, the numbers may seem low, but it is good coverage. 

     George asked what the electrical expenditures were per month, and with that information, suggested the estimates for utilities were appropriate. 

     Jackie asked if the amount allotted for engineering was realistic. Dixie thought more money should be added to engineering, Jackie suggested 26,000. and the others agreed. 

     The Reedsport Disposal Plant Contract item was deemed far too low. After an explanation, Dixie recommended changing that number to 121,000. to more realistically represent the true costs to the Gardiner Sanitary District. Dennis interjected that there is more info to come regarding the final numbers, and then he clarified the repayment recommendations listed on the proposed budget. Dennis is currently working with Reedsport on these final numbers.  
     In the Repairs and Maintenance category, Dennis asked for additional information. Jackie said one new pump is coming, Dixie said the existing pumps are old, and George D reiterated that it's better to have allotted plenty, than too little monies in this category. The number on the proposed budget is approximately the same amount as last year, which was on the high side. 

     Dixie spoke about Professional Services. It was asked what these were. Mary explained they were mostly accountant fees. 

     The next category is Miscellaneous. Mary said the number is generally between 1,600 and 2,000. Dixie asked if that was agreeable to all, George D was followed by the rest of the group in agreeing with Mary and Dixie. 

     With the changes made, the group added up the Total Materials and Services and corrected that column. 

     George asked for clarification on what was included in the Capital Outlay category. Mary and Dennis explained it was for large purchases with a longer life. 

     Next, the group discussed the Debt Service category. This is mostly the DEQ loan. Dixie explained the DEQ is well aware that the state has extended our time to begin payments on this loan. 

     Dennis opened up discussion on the Transfers Out section. Dennis wanted to clarify it is estimated. Mary said yes, and explained this was mainly used for system replacement. 

     Dennis then mentioned the Operating Contingency section was then absorbed by the changes made. 

     Jackie then made clear to the group that this plan has been adapted to the changing budgetary needs of the Gardiner Sanitary District. This past year, the trick has been to maintain the budget until the big decisions are made in the future. George then asked if, after this meeting, and the city contract is drastically different, can this budget be finalized at the next meeting? Mary and Dennis both responded, yes. 

    Discussion then turned to the timing of the next budget meeting. George motions to meet again on May 24th at 6pm. Kathy seconds.The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     George then motions to accept the changes made to the budget, which was seconded by Ray. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     At that time, Dennis asked all who approved the changes to the budget proposal say aye. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

   Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dixie seconded, motion passed by unanimous voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.

               Submitted by Kathy Quartararo (Budget Committee Secretary)

May 23, 2012

Board Meeting-Special Meeting- May 24, 2012


The Board of Directors for the Gardiner Sanitary District will hold a Special Meeting immediately after the Budget Committee Hearing which is at 6:00pm at the District Office at the Gardiner Fire Hall in Gardiner on May 24, 2012, with a possible executive session pursuant to ORS 192.660(1)(c).

The purpose of the special meeting is to discuss changes in employment due to the unexpected departure of Mike Girard. 

May 15, 2012

Board Meeting April 12, 2012

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
April 12, 2012

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Jackie Degman, Charlotte Hinshaw, Mike Quartararo, and Dixie Hash.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Mike Girard, Mack Holman and Esther.
     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read,  Dixie made a motion to accept the minutes, Charlotte seconded, and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Charlotte made a motion to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Old Business:

     Charlotte reported that she has received the third complete estimate on the heaters:  Ladd Electric – $2537.00,  Reese Electric - $2495.00, McCaffrey Electric - $2450.00.  Dixie made a motion to accept the most local bid of Ladd Electric and have Charlotte pursue grant monies to help pay for it, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

      Dixie reported on the March 21st Roseburg meeting that the county hosted with Mike Parker, the engineer from MAP (the engineering firm chosen to perform the third party study) and Lance Colley, who will do the financial evaluation on the proposal options.  The county representatives expressed concerns about the existing drain fields, and the DEQ representative addressed those to some extent.  Scott Somers presented Reedsport’s proposal for their projected revenues from sewer and water fees that seemed somewhat optimistic.  Overall it was a good meeting with the DEQ and USDA reps being open, congenial and supportive.

      Charlotte reported on the interviews that she and Mike held with 2 of the 3 applicants.  Both appeared to have substantial experience, but all three applicants cited not enough hours available to interest them in the job.  The applicant from Tillamook stated that if the job ever turned into a full time position, he would be very interested. 

Safety Meeting:

     Mike G. reported no new issues; all necessary signage has been installed and lockouts have been installed on the breaker boxes.

New Business:

     Mike G. reported that flows have been way up again due to the 23” of rainfall recorded in March, average flow rate for March was 31,000 gallons.

     Mike G. also reported that he has made progress on his tests and is on the last chapter before taking the wastewater I certification test.  He also reported that the new pump was ordered on March 16th and will be here within 3 weeks.

     Jackie reported that she and Dixie have been in contact with Scott Somers regarding the Reedsport contract and have asked him for more detailed information on the bills we’ve been getting and are expecting to receive that information in the near future.

Suggested Agenda Items for Next Meeting:
-       Reedsport contract
-       Heater funding update
-       Logbooks

 Meeting went into executive session pursuant to ORS.192.660(2)(h).   

    Meeting came out of executive session and Mary reminded the board that they needed to set a date and time for the budget committee meeting.  It was decided to hold the budget committee meeting on May 3rd at 6:00 pm.  Mike made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dixie seconded, motion passed by unanimous voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.

               Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)

May 4, 2012

Notice of Budget Committee Meeting

A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Gardiner Sanitary District, Douglas County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, will be held at the Gardiner Fire Hall 208 Marsh Street, Gardiner, OR.  The meeting will take place on May 24, 2012 at 6:00 PM.  The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget.

A copy of the budget document may be inspected after 6:00 pm on May 24, 2012; or a copy may be inspected or obtained on or after May 25, 2012 at the Gardiner Sanitary District office in Gardiner, OR between the hours of 9:00am and 12:00pm.

This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place.  Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee.