Gardiner Sanitary
Board of Directors
January 16, 2014
Meeting called
to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members Dennis Conger and Charlotte Hinshaw. Also present were Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport, Mike & Kathy
Quartararo, Dick Nored, Mack Holman and Esther Siderman.
Written copies
of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Dennis motioned to accept the
minutes, Charlotte seconded, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Written copies
of the financial report were passed out and read, Dennis made a motion and
Charlotte seconded to accept the report and pay the bills, motion passed by
unanimous voice vote.
New Business:
announced that she was starting the meeting with new business instead of old
because Ray had to leave early. Ray
reported that the valve replacement for the firehall pump station has been
completed. While changing the valves at
the Bolin Island pump station, a flange broke and while he was able to plug
that line, it is a temporary fix and he will have to restart the process of
replacing those valves and permanently fix that break. The week before that, a pump burned up
because it got a rock stuck in it.
During this period, the flow meter was ruined because the sump pump in
the vault where the pump and flow meter are housed quit working and the vault
filled with ground water. The flow
meter is not repairable and it will cost $3600.00 to replace the flow meter
sensor tube. Dennis made a motion to have
Ray obtain a replacement flow meter sensor tube for no more than $3800.00,
Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Ray also
advocated for Steven Bell to be given a raise as he has been a steady and
reliable employee, the board agreed to discuss it.
reported that she had received a call from the engineer that they were sending
an application that needed to be signed by 12/31/13 for the financing of the
$500,000.00 project plan for the replacement of the line under the river. Per the engineer, this step is required
prior to the replacement of the pump stations.
Because of the timing, she signed and returned the application as soon
as she received it.
Old Business:
Jacki reported that there was supposed
to be a meeting between the district and Reedsport officials to continue the
contract negotiations on January 13th, but she didn’t receive the
proposal from them until January 10th which didn’t give them enough
time to review it, so the meeting was postponed until January 21st. Also, she has had no update on the DEQ MAO.
Items Not On The Agenda/Open to the Public:
Jackie read
a letter that was submitted to the board from Mike Quartararo requesting that
the board limit public input at the meetings to residents of the sanitary
Jackie also
read a letter from I.P. terminating the agreement that they had with the
district regarding ownership of the company’s property in light of the recent
decision to abandon the option to develop said property into a wastewater
treatment facility.
announced that he was considering moving forward with a possible recall for the
sanitary district board members. Dick
Nored responded that he strongly advised against doing that at this time.
Meeting was called into executive session under
ORS.192.660(2)(i) to discuss performance evaluation of employees.
Meeting returned from executive session and Charlotte made a
motion to increase Steve Bell’s hourly rate form $10.00 to $11.50; Dennis seconded the motion and the motion
passed by unanimous voice vote.
Suggestions for agenda items for next meeting:
Contract Update
Update from
Civil West on funding application
Update on
MAO from DEQ
Update on
the valve replacement project
Charlotte made a
motion to adjourn, Dennis seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary
Chambers (Office Manager)