May 4, 2014

Board Meeting September 19, 2013

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
September 19, 2013

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Marc Fullhart, Dennis Conger, Catherine Kent, and Charlotte Hinshaw.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport, Mike Quartararo, Kathy Quartararo, Mack Holman, and Esther Siderman.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Dennis motioned to accept the minutes, Charlotte seconded, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read,  Dennis made a motion and Catherine seconded to accept the report and pay the bills, motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 
      Old Business:

      Ray has still heard nothing from American Bridge on the easement; he has made follow-up calls and still nothing.

       Charlotte and Jackie met with Keith Anderson at Garrett Pallo’s office to discuss the MAO timeline.  Keith let them know that he needed something to happen, whichever way the board decided to move forward.  Jackie let him know that there was a town hall meeting scheduled for Oct. 9th at 6:30pm, and Keith assured her that he would be there with an open mind to hear what the Gardiner constituents want to do.

        Ray gave an update on the pressure main cleanouts:  He submitted the Lockout/Tagout program and procedure to OSHA for their review and  OSHA let him know that the valves need to be replaced for a legitimate Lockout/Tagout program so he is in the process of revising the program.  Ray’s advice is to reprioritize the work on the system: the cleanout process should be put on the back burner and the valves should be replaced first.  He also submitted the Emergency Response Plan to DEQ and is waiting to hear back from them on that.
      New Business:

                  Marc consulted with Dick Young regarding how to establish SDC fees and Dick said that hookup fees would vary from project to project so the policy should be to have any new customer pay for their particular project expenses.  Ray explained that Winchester Bay has any new customer pay for their specific hookup costs, plus they have a fee for covering the cost of a district employee to inspect the job, then they also have an SDC charge that is a set amount because the SDC charge is by definition, an amount that funds future repairs and upgrades.

                  Charlotte reports that they had a visit from the grant people and the district has been approved to receive grant funding for a new heater for the firehall.

       Safety Meeting: 

          As per the previous discussion the lockout/tagout program has been submitted to OSHA and a revision of that is in process.

      Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public:  

      Charlotte reported that she looked into the process for getting the special tax renewed and found out that we would have to wait until next year for the measure to be put on the ballot to be voted on.

      Ray reported that he and Steve have been working on getting the fax and phone working properly and are optimistic that they have accomplished that.

      Mack requested a list of all district customer names, addresses and phone numbers so that he can send a letter with his views of what the district direction should be for the future.  Others present at the meeting expressed discomfort with the district handing out their addresses, and Jackie said she would have to check with the district’s attorney on the legality of releasing customer information.   

Suggestions for Next Meeting:

-       Part time supervisor’s report
-       Ordinance report from Marc and Charlotte
-       Update on American Bridge easement
-       Update on valve replacement project

     Marc made a motion to adjourn, Catherine seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)