Nov 30, 2011

Board Meeting October 20, 2011

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
October 20, 2011

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Mike Quartararo, Charlotte Hinshaw, Dixie Hash and Marc Fullhart.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Mark Ciechanowski, Ray Davenport, Susanna Nordhoff, Bob Brown, Mack Holman, and Tyler Richardson.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Marc motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Dixie, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie  motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Marc, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Old Business:    
Charlotte reported no new info on the replacement of the furnace. 

Dixie suggested asking American Bridge if they would consider donating the property on Bolin Island to the district since there seems to be a problem with getting an easement from them.  They seem to be very worried about liability issues and if they gave the property to the district they would have absolutely no liability to worry about.  Susanna said that she had not heard anything from the attorney so didn’t know if there had been any progress on that end.  Marc said he would like to meet directly with the boss from American Bridge the next time he’s out here from Pittsburgh.  Dixie made a  motion to have Marc contact the attorney to see what the status of their investigation is and if insufficient progress has been made then Marc can contact American Bridge directly.  Mike seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Marc reported that the combined Reedsport and Gardiner Fire Departments will be burning the brush piles and the ditch on Bolin Island as a fire practice operation.

     New Business:         
Safety Meeting:  Susanna reported that she had to change the batteries for the generators and it was completed without incident. 
Susanna and Mark C. completed a confined entry “class” with Ray teaching proper technique.
Susanna contacted OSHA about doing a review of their facilities because she had found a letter from them regarding such dated earlier this year.  They responded that they provide a couple of different review types and they would get back to her.  Ray said they will probably be wanting to do an inspection, not a consultation, because they had already done a consultation with Shelley earlier this year; he suggested that Susanna call them back and request a second consultation since there has been a total change in personnel since the last consultation.  An inspection is a much more intense review and could result in fines if there were suggestions made at the earlier consultation that were not complied with yet.
Ray’s Report:
Ray reported that the alternative backup plan proposal was sent to DEQ and they responded with some questions: 
They asked about pressure testing the abandoned water line, how the district will address the buildup of solids, etc.  The line has been pressure tested and passed.  Ray responded to their questions and concerns and needs one more number from Civil West and then he’ll be able to get the revised plan back to them.  He expects a pretty quick response from DEQ and expects them to approve the plan.
 He requested that the district establish an account with  Consolidated Supply so that when the plan is approved he’ll be able to move forward with implementation.  Marc made a motion to set up an account with Consolidated Supply with a cap of $3500.00, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Ray reported that the DEQ also indicated that they would like the district to be monitoring the pressure main in the evenings as well as in the mornings.
Ray reported that someone appears to be developing the old drydock area on Bolin Island, but Susanna responded that she had talked to them and they are  just Knife River employees cleaning up the site because their lease is coming to an end.
Ray also reported that the county has issued the permit to the district for the work they might need to do on Bolin Island for the backup plan.

Managers Report: 
Susanna and Dixie reported that they had met with Susan Morgan(county commissioner), Mary Camorato(DEQ), Becky Bryant(IFA), and Eileen Opus(grant administration) regarding the scope of work review on the county’s independent review of the districts options.  They were successful in getting the county to add a few of their requests, but they didn’t remove any of the items.
Dixie said that the district will need to do a rate study because it won’t be included in the work done by the county, also, due diligence is only good for 6 months so it’s a good thing we didn’t already have one done.
Susanna will take the certification test on October 28th. She also found out that once she is certified, she will be required to be available 24 hours a day.  She felt that might become a problem since she will have to be gone from time to time, but that if there is someone on staff that has at least a provisional license, that would satisfy the requirements from the DEQ.
Annual maintenance was completed on the generators on 10/13 by Pacific Power Products. The technician let her know that coolant and hoses need to be changed on both generators, the calibrated spring is broken on both generators and should be replaced (at a cost of approximately $300.00 each), and the block heater needs to be replaced on the Bolin Island generator.  He gave her a bid of $1778.00; she’ll get a second bid.  Dixie made a motion to allow Susanna to make the choice between the two estimates and get the work done, Marc seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Susanna said that a small tool kit is needed and flashlights for each pump station, Mike said he would get the tools and flashlights from sources in the valley.  Marc made a motion to let Mike procure the tools and Charlotte seconded, motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 
Susanna reported that insurance renewal forms need to be filled out.
She also reported that Mark C. had cleaned the generators and did a very good job on them.

Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public:
Dixie made a motion to set up a $75.00 petty cash fund, Charlotte seconded  and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Dixie also questioned wether we might be able to apply for a grant from CBGD for just the pump collection system and then get private funding for going north?

         The board came out of executive session and Marc motioned to adjourn, Mike seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)

Nov 23, 2011

Board Meeting September 15, 2011

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
September 15, 2011

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members  Mike Quartararo, Charlotte Hinshaw and Marc Fullhart.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Mark Ciechanowski, Ray Davenport, Susanna Nordhoff, Bob Brown, Dennis Conger, and Deborah Yates.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Jackie suggested that the minutes be amended to include the spraying of Bolin Island pump station as part of the cleanup process and Mike motioned to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Charlotte, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Marc  motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Old Business:   
 Charlotte reported that no progress had been made on replacement of the furnace.  Mike gave Charlotte a catalog on heaters so that she could estimate a cost for the replacement and call for bids by electricians.  The cost of the heaters Mike had suggested using are approximately $300.00 each and we would need 2 heaters for the meeting room and kitchen.  Charlotte will also contact PUD to see if a rebate will be available for this type of heater.
         Susanna reported that she had noticed that there is an electrical panel on the outside of  the building that is not locked and Marc said he would look into getting it secured.
         Mike reported that the blog information is posted and complete enough to go live unless anyone has anything to add or change.  Everyone agreed that he should make it go live and they could make any changes as they see how it used.        
         Jackie reported that the Bolin Island site has been cleared and that Crossbow is being used to keep the weeds and brush from coming back; the site is much more visible and therefore safer for employees as they access it.  The clearing and spraying will have to be maintained every year or two and it will be much cheaper to maintain than letting it get to the condition that it had been allowed to reach.  Jackie also reported that she and Susanna had met with Atty McClintock regarding the American Bridge easement demands for insurance and new survey.  We feel that that the insurance demands were much too excessive and our current coverage should be adequate, as they are with the county easement also being processed at this time, and that a new survey is completely unnecessary since a professional survey was done recently at district expense and American Bridge has a copy of that.
     New Business:         
Safety Meeting:  Susanna reported that she has procured basic safety gear for the pump stations.  Mike was asked to purchase ear muffs and nitro gloves from a source that he knows has the right quality gear at the cheapest prices. 
Ray’s Report:  Ray reported that DEQ has requested amendments to the Emergency Backup Plan that was submitted on 8/16/2011 so he has done additional work to the plan and amended it to include the changes that DEQ requested.  He passed out copies of the new plan but then reported that just today he had been contacted by Francis Dzata of the DEQ with a suggestion that they use the abandoned water main that is already in place across the river to divert the sewage into in the event that the main sewage line breaks.  All that would be required in this case are valves and short diversion pipes on each end to reroute the sewage until the main line could be repaired instead of temporary storage and treatment on the Island and subsequent dumping into the river of less than perfectly treated sewage.  The cost would be considerably less and the consequences less detrimental to the environment.  Ray hasn’t had a chance to pursue this avenue yet because it is such a new development.  Since he has already put additional effort into amending the existing plan, more additional time will be required to research and prepare yet another plan and he needs authorization to continue this pursuit as he is already requesting an additional $675.00 for the work he’s done to date on the amended plan.  Mary questioned whether he was requesting $675.00 net or gross and Ray said net.  Mary reminded him that he needs to make his requests in gross dollars instead.  Mike made a motion to allow Ray to find out more from the DEQ on the possibilities of using the abandoned water main and Marc seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Marc motioned to pay the additional amount that Ray has requested and Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Managers Report:
 Susanna reported that the postmaster has requested to use our meeting hall on October 19th at 6:30pm for a town hall meeting regarding the proposed closure of the Gardiner Post Office and also if we would include a flyer in the next billing to announced the meeting.  Mike made a motion to allow both requests and Marc seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote. 
Susanna also reported that the meeting with Douglas County regarding the proposed scope of work is still pending waiting on Becky Bryant to schedule it.
Susanna’s request for a certification test has been approved and if she passes the test she will be granted the Grade 1 certification without needing the additional experience time normally required as they will allow her past experience to qualify.
Susanna reported that the manhole covers at Bolin Island need to have a better pry bar as the existing one is not working well.  Mike and Ray will access the problem and try to fix or replace the existing tool.
Susanna questioned the problems with the tide gates on the drainage system serving Gardiner as a resident had brought it to her attention.  Everyone concede that the tide gates have not worked properly for quite some time and several requests to the county for repairs in the past have fallen on deaf ears.  Deborah Yates suggested contacting the Umpqua Soil and Water Conservation District as she is under the impression that they are conducting a study or research of some kind on the local tide gates.
Ray is going to conduct a confined space entry lesson for Susanna and Mark tomorrow morning and teach them to use the camera inside the pipes.
Susanna questioned the location of the “As Built’s” that she needs to locate sewer lines for residents when they request it.  Marc thought that they were probably in the attic storage and he would help locate them.
Jackie’s Report: 
Jackie reported that she and Susanna had met with the DEQ at their request on Thursday the 8th to just have a review of their plans and future options.  Jackie was very happy with how Susanna presented the district to them and how knowledgable she was when they questioned them.
The DEQ wants GSD to be preparing for Plan B in case the county funding falls through and they want to know what the district intends to do in that situation.  John Gasik was concerned that due diligence wasn’t observed when the IP contract was drafted therefore allowing the possibility of future problems.  He suggested that the county’s request for an independent study was a result of the lack of costs being forthcoming by Reedsport originally.
Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public:  
Mark C’s Report:  Mark C. reported that the Fire Department had met and discussed the need for parking lot repairs and the volunteers would be willing to provide the labor for the repairs if GSD will split the cost of the materials with the Fire Dept.  He also reported that the Fire Department is in need of additional volunteers and have been having trouble recruiting them so they would like to include a flyer in our next billing to try to recruit new members.  Mike made a motion to allow flyers in the bills, Marc seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Mark also reported that the district cell phone has completely quit working and no one could really see the need for maintaining a cell phone so the decision was made to have Mary call AT&T to cancel the cell phone service.

Susanna reported that the Association of Water Utilities membership is coming due and asked whether she should renew it.  They will be having a conference in Florence in November that would probably be beneficial to attend.  Charlotte made a motion to have the membership dues of $75.00 renewed and the conference cost authorized for Susanna, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Jackie called for an executive session (pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(i) to discuss performance of the Operations Manager.
         The board came out of executive session and Marc motioned to adjourn, Mike seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)

Oct 20, 2011

Board Meeting August 18, 2011

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
August 18, 2011

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members Dixie Hash, Mike Quartararo and Charlotte Hinshaw.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Mark Ciechanowski, Ray Davenport, Susanna Nordhoff, Bob Brown, Mary Law, and Deborah Yates.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Dixie motioned to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie  motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Mike, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Old Business:     Charlotte received more quotes for replacement of the heat pump but all were higher than the previous bids.  Mike suggested checking into alternative heat sources since the only area they really need to heat is the meeting room and kitchen.  He said he has great luck with ceiling mounted heaters he uses in his shops that are larger areas than what we need to heat, so Charlotte will look into the cost of those.
         Susanna reported on the scope of work that the county intends to submit for bids to get an independent evaluation of the sanitary districts options.  She re-wrote some of the descriptions and directions and has submitted that to Becky at the county for review and is awaiting a response.     
         Jackie got a bid for the cleanup work around the Bolin Island pump station of $4,500.00 and since that was much higher than anyone would like to have to pay is checking with ODOT to see if they might be interested in taking on the project.  Mike suggested a contractor that he has used in the past that he thought would be much more reasonable and he would be willing to contact him for a bid to cut and/or mulch the bushes and small trees.  Dixie made a motion to authorize Mike to accept a maximum amount of $1,500.00 bid to expedite the process, and Charlotte seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Jackie said that if he is able to contract that part of the job she would take care of getting the necessary spray and have someone spray the weeds and get us on a regular spraying schedule to keep the growth down once the initial cleanup is done.
         Susanna reported that she had completed the e-mail address change and had informed all contacts of the new address.  Also, she had ordered the sodium nitrate, we’ve received it and she has been using it instead of the bleach with no problems and it’s much easier to use.
         Mike reported that the website has been completed to the point of usability and he would like the O.K. to allow it to start running for the public.  Charlotte made a motion to go live with the blog and Dixie seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
     New Business:         
Safety Meeting:  Susanna reported that she needs earplugs and dust masks for the pump stations.  Mike suggested that she make a list of items that she needs and he will be glad to pick them up in Eugene as he is sure he’ll be able to get them cheaper over there.  Charlotte made a motion to allow $100.00 for safety equipment, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Managers Report:  Susanna reiterated the report on the scope of work.  She has written a letter to the DEQ requesting a deadline extension for the plans and specs.  An alarm was sounded a couple of weeks ago and everyone was called out, Ray felt that something was stuck in the pump and after turning it on and off a few times it cleared itself.  Susanna borrowed a long handled tool from Reedsport and broke up the grease caked in the bottom of the wet well then called in Roto-Rooter to pump the grease out.  There was some discussion about the problem of grease buildup and the possible causes but it is an ongoing maintenance issue in all treatment facilities.  The easement with American Bridge is pending verification of insurance coverage plus they are requesting an independent survey of the area.  Ray suggested contacting SDAO for clarification of insurance coverage and the board feels it is unnecessary to have a new survey done since one was done not long ago.  Susanna will look into when exactly that was done and by whom and relay thay information to American Bridge.  Susanna has not yet made application for the wastewater certification but plans to take the test in September.
Report on DEQ backup plan:  Ray reported on the progress he’s made in preparing the backup plan, he has started the easement process with the county and has received a permit from the county to use the site which needs to be signed by the board.  We need to make sure our insurance coverage is adequate.  He has scheduled a meeting with the DEQ to evaluate the site on Sept 6th.  Winchester Bay Sanitary District has some surplus pumps that they will make available to Gardiner Sanitary District to purchase for use in the backup plan or wherever needed, the one that would be most useful to us would be $300.00.  Dixie made a motion to purchase the pump for $300.00 and Mike seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Ray requested and additional $600.00 net pay for the additional work he has put in on the backup plan.  Dixie made a motion to pay Ray the additional amount and Mike seconded, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Items not on the Agenda, Open to the Public:   The agenda notice to the newspaper was discussed and Susanna said that she would provide a draft agenda to the newspaper on the timeline that they have requested. 
         Charlotte made a motion to have Ray sign the DEQ backup plan and submit it tomorrow, August 19th, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Dixie made a motion to allow Jackie to sign the Douglas County Permit if it is determined that our insurance coverage is adequate, but if we need to add coverage we’ll need to call a special meeting, Charlotte seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Susanna requested that she be reimbursed for mileage that she uses on the job at the standard mileage rate.  Mike made a motion to authorize mileage reimbursement for employees of the district, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

              Dixie Hash, motioned to adjourn, seconded by Charlotte Henshaw, meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Interim Office Manager)

Oct 10, 2011

Gardiner's Humble Beginnings

We owe it all to a shipwreck in 1850. That’s when Gardiner’s sewer needs began. We’re honored to be leading our community to independence, and planning for our future sewer needs as well. 

Oct 5, 2011

Procedures for Adopting Ordinance

1.     ORS 198.540
  • Publish in Agenda
  • Publish in newspaper not more than 10 days nor less than 4 days before the meeting

2.     ORS 198.550
  • Ordinance shall be read during Regular meetings of the Board on two different days at least 6 days apart.
  • The reading of an ordinance shall be full and distinct unless at the meeting: (a) a copy of the ordinance is available for each person who desires a copy (b) the board directs the reading be by title only
  • The affirmative vote of a majority of the Board is required to adopt an ordinance after the second reading

3.     ORS 198.560
  • Within 7 days after adoption the ordinance shall be (1) signed by the presiding office
  • Attested by the recording secretary at the session which the ordinance is adopted
  • Filed in the records of the District
  • A certified copy of the ordinance shall be filed with county clerk

4.     ORS.198.570
  • Ordinance shall take effect on the 30th day after it is adopted

Sep 1, 2011

Board Meeting July 20, 2011

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
July 20, 2011

     Meeting called to order by Jackie Degman, present were Board Members Dixie Hash, Marc Fullhart and Charlotte Hinshaw.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Mark Ciechanowski, Ray Davenport, Susanna Nordhoff, Mike Quartararo, Mack Holman, Dennis Conger, Kathy Quartararo, Kathy Something and Esther Something.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Charlotte motioned to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Dixie Hash, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read, Dixie  motioned to accept the report and pay the bills, seconded by Jackie Degman, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

     Old Business:       Ray Davenport reported that he had met with the county and requested that they initiate an easement for the existing sewer line before putting up property for sale and also requested a permit for excavation for the line needed for the new tanks that will be part of the DEQ required contingency plan.  He also found out from the DEQ that they will require an engineer to state that the proposed site will allow gravity feed to occur based on slope calculations.  Ray also met with Scott Lewis for an excavation evaluation for the site.  If it turns out that gravity feed will not work they may need to put in a pump instead.  Ray requested the easement agreement from American Bridge but was told that the issue had been referred to their legal department and that a survey would need to be conducted.  Marc stated that the district had already paid for a survey and that American Bridge already has it.
         Charlotte reported that she had received 3 estimates for a new heat pump and the two highest bidders, $13,000.00 and $18,000.00 respectively, had declined the job.  The third bid was for $8,638.00 from Adco and they said that the firehouse bay doors would need to be insulated for the heat pump to work correctly; it would also be required prior to applying for the grant.  CLPUD may give us a rebate after installation that would also help reduce the cost to the district.
         Dixie met with Susanna and together they called Becky Bryant and was pleased to report that some progress has been made on the engineering study request, the application for the study had been approved by the county so there will be a formal request for bids submitted.  She also added that due to the delay caused by this third study the district would need to apply for an extension on the pre-design plan and she has asked Garret Pollo to write the letter to DEQ to request an extension beyond the 9/10/11 expiration date.
         Jackie introduced Susanna Nordhoff, the new operations manager;  Susanna gave the group some background information on her past work history and experience as well as her education.
         Marc reported that he had placed us on the waiting list for a work crew to perform the brush clearing at the Bolin Island pump station, but that they couldn’t give him an estimate on when they would be available.  Susanna offered that the BLM has weed pullers available for borrowing and she would be glad to bring them down with her if that would help.

     New Business:  Jackie reported that since Bob Brown had declined the election to the board, they needed to appoint a new board member and since Mike Quartararo had expressed an interest in writing to become involved she asked for any other public input.  Esther questioned whether there needed to be more public notice of the opening and Dixie responded that the declination had been announced at the last board meeting.  When asked if she would be interested in the position Esther declined .  Dixie made a motion to appoint Mike to the board Position #4 and Charlotte seconded.  The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Kathy Quartararo made a presentation of a possible web site that would be free to the district and made the site available to the board members so that they could view it and provide any input for changes if they had any.
         Jackie opened up the meeting for elections of officers:
Dixie Hash nominated Jackie for President, Marc seconded; Dixie nominated Charlotte for Vice-President and Marc seconded; Mike nominated Dixie for Sec/Treas and Marc seconded.  All nominations were passed by unanimous voice vote.

Safety Meeting:  Susanna reported basic first aid kits were being put in each pump station.  She discussed the need for confined entry training and Ray stated that Winchester Bay may have a class update and they would invite her.  Susanna also explained the issue with the chlorine drip that Reedsport had requested and the difficulties involved in that approach and requested that the board allow her to look into using dry sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate powder instead.  Marc made a motion to have the matter looked into and if the cost would be under $200.00 she could have authorization to purchase what was needed, Mike seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Mary presented the option to postpone the upcoming DEQ loan payments and after some discussion, Marc made a motion to request postponement, Dixie seconded the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Susanna made a report on an ongoing spam problem on the districts email account and recommended a change to Charter Comm. for email service.  Dixie made a motion to change, Charlotte seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.  Susanna also requested shelves for the pump stations and organizational supplies for the office and the board stated that there was money authorized in the budget for office supplies.  Susanna will be taking the certification test in early August so the board stated that the district will pay for the cost of the test as they have historically done.
         Jackie purchased a sympathy card for the McBartlett family and requested that anyone interested please sign it and she would send it out.
         Charlotte reported that a Dan McCurtain had dropped into the office recently and made a presentation of his business in Roseburg, he gives classes and repairs pumps and would be available if we had any need.
         The board will schedule a special meeting before the next regular monthly meeting to review the Contingency Plan when Ray completes it since it is due 8/15.
         The board adjourned to executive session OR#192.660(2)(i) to discuss extending the contract with Ray for coverage outside of business hours.
         The board reopened regular meeting, Mike made a motion to extend Ray’s contract for 3 months, Dixie seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
         Marc made motion to adjourn, Charlotte seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.
          Safety Meeting:  First Aid kits were reviewed and Mark and Ray said they would check to make sure that a kit had been provided in each of the pump stations and will report back.

     Dixie Hash, motioned to adjourn, seconded by Charlotte Henshaw, meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Interim Office Manager)

Aug 30, 2011

Map of Gardiner

At the top of the map, notice the 2 large lagoons. We are targeting the International Paper lagoons for Gardiner's own treatment facility. 

Sewage will be treated in the lagoon, and when it's safe, treated wastewater will be released (in accordance with all Department of Environmental Quality regulations) into the ocean via a pipe that is already in place. 

Incidentally, our District Offices are located at about where the 'G' in Gardiner shows in this picture. 

Aug 25, 2011


Gardiner Sanitary District bills go out every month on the 1st. 

Each hookup to the system is $45.00 a month, due within 30 days. After 30 days, if payment has not been received by Gardiner Sanitary District, the account is considered delinquent, and sewer service may be discontinued. 

Please avoid this consequence by getting your payments to us promptly. 

For your convenience, there are 2 ways to pay your sewer bill. You can either mail payments to Gardiner Sanitary District, PO Box 217, Gardiner, OR 97441 or drop payments into our new payment drop slot on the north side of the Sanitary District Offices building. No postage is necessary if you use our payment drop slot. 

Aug 7, 2011

News From The Board

At our last board meeting, we introduced, Susana Noordhoff. She's responsible for operations and has a background in engineering. 

We also welcomed our newest board member, Mike Quartararo. 

The momentum from our new team could be felt in the room, and we look forward to the work ahead.