Jun 3, 2014

Board Meeting April 17, 2014

Gardiner Sanitary District
Board of Directors Meeting
April 17, 2014

     Meeting called to order by Dennis Conger, present were Board Members  Catherine Kent, Marc Fullhart and Charlotte Hinshaw.  Also present were Mary Chambers, Ray Davenport, Garrett Pallo, Bev Doane, Mary Paula, and Delice Ciechanowski       .

     Garrett Pallo made a presentation on the rate study that his firm is conducting:  He explained that the purpose of the rate study is to find an equitable process for deciding how much each rate payer should pay individually.  Since sewage is not metered as it leaves a residence, there is no definitive way to measure each residences output so there needs to be an alternative way to determine rates.  Historically, the district has used the EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) method which worked in the past but has become less equitable for some individuals.  His firm acquired water usage information for Jan-Mar from the City of Reedsport’s records to get a base measurement to begin their study.  That time period is typically a low usage time frame for lawn watering, car washing and other seasonal water usage, so is a better indicator of water that is actually entering the sewage system.  They found that the average EDU usage was 4400gal of water per month, and with a total usage of 415,500 gallons/month, that computes to 95 EDU’s for the district.  There are 3 main options for deciding billing rates: 
1-a flat rate for each water user
2-a per gallon rate
3-a hybrid method using a base rate plus per gallon rate       
Most districts use the hybrid method but a rate study will examine each opton to give the governing body the most information in order to make the best decision for their particular district.  A flat rate would be the most predictable and the per gallon rate the least.  There will be another meeting to give district patrons another opportunity to learn more about the options and then a third meeting to summarize and hopefully have specific figures to talk about.  The meetings will be on May 1 and May 15th.

     Written copies of the previous minutes were passed out and read, Catherine motioned to accept the minutes, Charlotte seconded, motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.  A question was raised regarding why the minutes aren’t read aloud at each meeting and the answer was that typically there is not enough time to do that and the minutes are available to the public upon their request.

     Written copies of the financial report were passed out and read,  Catherine made a motion and Marc seconded to accept the report and pay the bills.
      Old Business:

      Dennis reported that they have been conversing with the mayor and the City Council about the contract with Reedsport and are very close to signing with just a few issues they are still negotiating about.   

       Dennis also reported that the DEQ has sent a repayment schedule for the existing loan to be paid back over the next 5 years at 1% interest, but they are currently examining the possibility of refinancing it to 10 years instead.

        Regarding the American Bridge easement that the district has been trying to get, the survey that AB requested was completed by Hofstadt          er, Inc in which they found an error on the 2009 survey that was done by Stuntzner Engineering.  Stuntzner has corrected their error and is sending new maps and descriptions to us and to Hofstadter.  Once they review the revisions we will be able to have an agreement signed and filed with the county.
      New Business:

          Ray reported that the new flow meter is working properly and he has installed the final valve that was needed, making pump repair work much easier and cheaper.

         The first Budget Committee Meeting is set for May 15 at 5:30pm.

      Safety Report: 

          An OSHA hazard assessment will be done on May 30 in which they look for any possible hazards and make recommendations based on their findings.

Items Not On The Agenda/Open to the Public:


         Meeting was called into executive session under ORS.192.660(2)(h) to discuss legal correspondence.

         Meeting returned from executive session and Marc made a motion to sign the IFA intergovernmental agreement, Catherine seconded and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


Marc made a motion to adjourn, Charlotte seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Mary Chambers (Office Manager)